Sports Recovery Zone  

The Sports Recovery Zone is a new feature launched here at SM Sports Therapy in May 2024.

Within the Recovery Zone, you can use compression boots, a steam sauna and an ice bath, to optimize your recovery.

Ice Bath

Ice baths are a type of cold water therapy known as cold-water immersion (CWI). Taking an ice bath lowers your body temperature and triggers more blood flow to your core. After an ice bath, your body temperature rises, and blood flow returns to your tissues.

Ice baths may help improve alertness, reduce pain, and decrease inflammation. As a result, they may offer health benefits like reduced muscle soreness, pain relief, and improved mood.

Steam Sauna

A steam room is a heated room that people use to relax and relieve some medical conditions. A steam room is created when a water-filled generator pumps steam into an enclosed space, creating moisture in the air.

Our Steam Sauna is a 1 person pod, which can reach temperatures of 70 degrees celcius. Steam rooms offer many health benefits for joints, circulation, skin, and sinuses. They work using a combination of high heat and humidity to relax muscles and soothe nerves.

Compression Boots

Compression boots use compressed air to massage your legs, mobilize fluid, and speed recovery, these boots feel like a deep pressure, relaxing massage to your legs. Initially feeling like a blood pressure cuff around your foot, the boots inflate and relax in segments to mimic the natural muscle pump of the body to mobilise waste products and enhance lymphatic drainage.

There are many benefits to using compression boots such as:

  • Enhance lymphatic drainage

  • Improved Circulation

  • Remove waste products including lactic acid

  • Improve range of movement and flexibility

  • Decrease recovery time

  • Increase flexibility and joint range of motion

Contrast Therapy

Contrast Therapy refers to rapid changes produced in the circulatory system when people bathe in hot water and then plunge into very cold water. Alternating from a sauna to an ice bath is a classic method of contrast therapy.

The sauna generates heat, dilates your blood vessels (vasodilation), and promotes improved blood circulation. Meanwhile, the ice bath induces a cooling effect, causing blood vessels to constrict (vasoconstriction), which aids in reducing inflammation and eliminating toxins from your muscles. Together, these treatments offer a powerful contrast for enhancing your overall well-being.

Booking Options

Compression Boots

This is a 30 minute session with the compression boots which costs £10

Ice Bath

This is a 30 minute time block for access to the ice bath which costs £6

Steam Sauna

This is a 30 minute time block for access to the steam sauna which costs £6

Ice Bath & Sauna

This is a 45 minute time block for access to both the ice bath and the sauna which costs £10.

With this option, you can bring a friend for an additional £5.

Compression Boots, Ice Bath & Sauna

This is the ultimate recovery session where you get access to use of the compression boots, ice bath and sauna at a cost of £15.

With this option, you can bring a friend for an additional £5.